Our Firm advanced analysis is the only full lifecycle patent research and patent analysis reports designed to provided the most top trend patents. Our team will drill as deep into the data and will generate accurate reports. Either way, you get the industry’s most comprehensive data analytics reports with insights.
We are experienced in analyzing patents owned by third parties and guiding our clients successfully through these situations.
The partners of JR ROSAS LAW FIRM will develop an innovative service of these analyses. Innovative and economically promising technology fields and markets will be identified through technology monitoring and technology foresight so that SMEs can identify potential future markets. Entrepreneurs can improve their strategic alignment in the field of research and development and initiate innovation processes at an early stage in order to secure important competitive advantages.
Our landscape report provides insights on patent filing trends, identifies outstanding inventors, key players, and/or shift in technologies of interest, and presents any other aspects of specific interest to clients.
Competitive analysis can provide you with a well understanding of product innovations of a competitor, supplier, and/or customer. There are lots of indicators that can be used in competitive analysis, among which, patent is one of the systematic and advanced indicators to track where the competitors have been, where they currently are, and where they are going.