A patent search is a small investment compared to the patent application process. JR ROSAS LAW FIRM typically charges a flat-fee for patent searches which includes an opinion of patentability by a patent practitioner.
Invalidity / Validity
Novelty / Patentability
Collection / State-of-the-Art
Right-to-Use / Freedom to Operate
Infringement / Non-infringement
Freedom to Operate / Clearance
We routinely are asked by our clients to provide opinions with regard to pending patents and patent applications based on patent searches previosuly performed. These opinions vary from validity, infringement, non-infringement, and clearance or right-to-practice issues, to ensure that our clients are able to navigate existing patent portfolios as well as enforcing their own patent portfolios. We provide a tailored and balanced approach to each individual client’s needs in order to avoid unnecessary time and money developing new products.
Our search team is trained by former patent examiners who used to work at the US Patent Office, to mimic their search strategy.
JR ROSAS LAW FIRM utilizing cutting-edge technologies for patent searches to provide our clients thorough searches. Our experienced research team examines patents as well as non-patent prior art. We serve law firms, businesses and independent inventors. Searching over 100 million patents and applications from 200 countries using the latest technologies, we give our clients an edge.
Since our founding over forty years ago, we’ve performed thousands of searches for hundreds of clients. We love what we do — finding important patents with thorough, courteous and prompt service.